In-Person Test Prep

Small-Group Workshops

Students will learn how the test is designed, what content is tested, and how to make the most of the time allotted. These 6-hour workshops include the most effective strategies and focused content reviews to maximize scores. Students will be given workbooks that include actual ACT practice questions.

Private Tutoring

Private tutoring is an effective way to learn our strategies in a one-on-one setting. Our tutors can assess weaknesses and develop a custom plan for improving test scores. Complete the form below, and we’ll provide tutor referrals. Students can schedule sessions directly with tutors.

Students working at desk

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    Online Test Prep

    The highly effective test preparation we provide in person is also available online.

    ACT Course Subscription

    The Online ACT Course subscription includes full access to our entire library of instructional videos and practice questions. You will be auto-billed $29.99 each month for unlimited access to the course, which covers all four sections of the ACT. When you've mastered the ACT, simply notify us that you're ready to cancel. It's that simple. We have been studying this test for over 40 years and have developed effective strategies you've probably never heard before.

    Dr. Ben Phillips video thumbnail image Orange Video Play Button Icon


    Online ACT Course



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    ACT Course Modules

    Need a boost in a specific section of the ACT? Choose what you need. These self-paced, online modules include unlimited access for six months. Click the module below to read a more detailed description of the contents.